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Workshop 1: Memory and Dementia

Ageing Better

Updated: Mar 10

The first workshop of the Ageing Better with an Active Mind project was launched last Friday 30th of September with the collaboration of the University for the third age (u3a) in Aughton and Ormskirk.

This workshop focused on types of memory, normal cognitive decline and definition and types of dementia was delivered by Dr. Dorothy Tse and was well received by the attendees who kindly left some promising reviews.

"Brilliant, friendly afternoon"

"Very interesting"

"Very interesting and comprehensive talk on the topic"

"An interesting overview"

The interesting topics discussed on the workshop and the informal and friendly way in which it was delivered make it informative but also enjoyable.

We are looking forward to launching the second workshop "Physical activity and the active mind" on the 21st of October.

The ultimate goal of these three workshops is to promote a healthy ageing initiative and to make a positive impact in the ageing community of Merseyside and Lancashire areas.

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