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Workshop 3: Emotional health and the social world

Ageing Better

Updated: Mar 10

The last workshop of the Ageing Better with an Active Mind project series was launched the Friday 11th of November.

This workshop covered emotional health, ageing and the social world and emphasised the importance of social circles and maintaining a social life in ageing. The talk delivered by Dr Nicola van Rijsbergen was interactive and well received by the guests.

In line with pasts workshops, the feedback from this workshop has been very positive.

“Thank you for showing your ideas, research, knowledge. Very interesting!”

Along with the last workshop of the series, Ageing Better with an Active mind promotes the launching of the project showcase for which we expect not only the workshop guests but also the attendance of friends and family for the disclosure of the project findings.

The showcase will include talks by experts on the field of neuroscience and ageing, dance performances, craft stalls and appetisers.

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